(360) 852-1872 inquiry@swerhone.com

Rendering Projects

Prior to receiving his degree in architecture, Derrick earned a four year degree from the Alberta College of Art in Visual Communication. His major was in painting, with extensive studies in drawing, sculpture, print making, and photography.  The skills and talents developed during these college years have been an indispensible part of his architectural design process.

They old adage is that a picture is worth a thousand words, while we would assert a quick 3-D color rendering from Derrick is worth a few thousand dollars for a similar computerized image. You see, a computer generated 3-D image require, for the most part, a somewhat finalized computer plan, complete with construction materials and massing, etc. Derrick’s comprehensive experience as an architect/ artist resolves these complex design issues relatively quickly. Not that Derrick’s images would necessarily represent a final construction design, but they do contain and convey sufficient information for a realistic statement on what could be. Massing, setbacks, sidewalk scales, height, signage, materials, aesthetics, and general character are all readily communicated. These drawings serve as an invaluable communication tool, most useful in obtaining funds, or gaining public support.

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